I started reading this book couple days ago and I haven't been able to put it down. I couldn't put it down! I've made it as far as chapter 9: the translation begins page 124.
I don't have a lot to say on it as I just started reading it, but it's really engaging and he grabs your attention. If you're interested in this sort of stuff and I am. I've always wondered what Nostradamus meant with his quatrains and I know a lot of people were translating them correctly.
The way that he had wanted them to be translated and I'm really looking forward to what this book has in store for me. And I'm also looking for to want to get the next two volumes of the series. I'll be letting you know what I think once I finish reading the first volume.
A Writer’s Thoughts, Ideas, and Experiences
Friday, January 31, 2014
Switchwords Part 3: Go-Crystal-Wait-Unmask-Together-Open-Roam Groam-Ho-Slow
Using this new phrase last night, I was able to remember my dreams very vividly, and in great detail upon waking up at so much so that is able to write it down in my journal. I've finally discovered a switchwords phrase that I can use to have lucid dreams. Remember in great detail what happened during that dream and be able to act independently of that dream. If I so choose to while I am dreaming.
"Everything happens for me, not to me." ~ Byron Katie
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Switchwords Part 2: Go-Crystal-Wait-Unmask-Together-Open
Just a gentle reminder to write your New Moon Abundance checks tonight.
Now let's get into the topic of tonight post, I am going to talk about my experience with the new switchword phrase that I keep add words to and it has been giving me lots of surprises.
Last night while I was nodding off to sleep, I silently repeated this words to myself and before I noticed I was dreaming. Everything was vivid, colorful and bright like I was looking a TV screen.
I recall that I remember everything in detail while I was dream but the moment I woke everything fade before I can write it down. The images slipped through my fingers like water through a hole in a bucket.
I am looking into other switchwords that will help me in recalling my dream even after I wake. I do remember a mantra I learned about a couple of years back: Roam Groam. I am planning on add this mantra as well as a couple of other switchwords: Ho-Slow.
Now let's get into the topic of tonight post, I am going to talk about my experience with the new switchword phrase that I keep add words to and it has been giving me lots of surprises.
Last night while I was nodding off to sleep, I silently repeated this words to myself and before I noticed I was dreaming. Everything was vivid, colorful and bright like I was looking a TV screen.
I recall that I remember everything in detail while I was dream but the moment I woke everything fade before I can write it down. The images slipped through my fingers like water through a hole in a bucket.
I am looking into other switchwords that will help me in recalling my dream even after I wake. I do remember a mantra I learned about a couple of years back: Roam Groam. I am planning on add this mantra as well as a couple of other switchwords: Ho-Slow.
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
When to Post?
How to know when to post something on your blog? For me, I prefer to do it when the words flow easily effortlessly and I'll have to think too much about what to say. What I'm thinking too hard. I don't post anything other than videos or pictures that stand out to me so I still keep up with my posting, but I just don't do any entries.
It's easy to do things when you're in the flow because there is no thinking about what you need to say next you already know what you are going without any stuttering or pauses.
There's also no doubting about what you say or what you're going to do very little hesitation in your actions. And there's also thinking because an inner knowing is guiding to what you're going to post on your blog. And that's how I do it.
I prefer to go with the flow of things and resist because things you resist persists and gets stuck in your energy field and completely without I've had plenty thing stuck in the past and now that I'm getting used to with the flow feels like or being in the flow of things. I love it too much to stop. When you are flow. There's no thinking, no hesitation you just do. That's it.
I've learned a lot about being in the flow of things, or in other words, being in the flow with what I love to do a lot of energy is generated when you're in the flow because there is little resistance actually resistance is nonexistent when you're in the flow of your bliss. Now don't get me wrong I'm not always in the flow all the time every day all day, but I'm learning to be in the flow every day all day.
Majority of the time I spend it on a plateau of quiet . It's a challenge to describe what that feels like unless you've been there yourself. I reached a point on this journey where I'm slowly becoming more and more responsible for my thoughts, actions and emotions.
It's easy to do things when you're in the flow because there is no thinking about what you need to say next you already know what you are going without any stuttering or pauses.
There's also no doubting about what you say or what you're going to do very little hesitation in your actions. And there's also thinking because an inner knowing is guiding to what you're going to post on your blog. And that's how I do it.
I prefer to go with the flow of things and resist because things you resist persists and gets stuck in your energy field and completely without I've had plenty thing stuck in the past and now that I'm getting used to with the flow feels like or being in the flow of things. I love it too much to stop. When you are flow. There's no thinking, no hesitation you just do. That's it.
I've learned a lot about being in the flow of things, or in other words, being in the flow with what I love to do a lot of energy is generated when you're in the flow because there is little resistance actually resistance is nonexistent when you're in the flow of your bliss. Now don't get me wrong I'm not always in the flow all the time every day all day, but I'm learning to be in the flow every day all day.
Majority of the time I spend it on a plateau of quiet . It's a challenge to describe what that feels like unless you've been there yourself. I reached a point on this journey where I'm slowly becoming more and more responsible for my thoughts, actions and emotions.
SW Kat Switchword Thoughts |
I was added to one Facebook group and another Yahoo group, which have been really helpful with all my questions.
I found a PDF file on the lucid dreaming in one of these groups. So I took the switchwords they had in that file and came up with this phrase: Go-Crystal-Wait-Unmask-Together.
I used this phrase last night was falling asleep and I have very vivid colorful dreams with crystal-clear clarity, but since most of my dreams were very fuzzy but still lucid in some aspects, I was unaccustomed to what happened when I use this switchwords phrase.
So I was jolted awake shortly after having a series of dreams that became so realistic that it startled me.
So now I'm researching other switchwords that I can use to add to this phrase to help keep me calm and relaxed during the dreaming stage and that I will wake up gradually to remember my dreams to record it in my Journal.
Here's what I came up with: Go-Crystal-Wait-Unmask-Together-Open.
SW Kat Switchword Thoughts |
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
My Experience with Emotions
My experiences with emotions are as follows I'm not going to say I had an easy time with emotions because I was often heard when I was younger because I was made fun of when I was younger. But I realized that happened for me not to me. Life happens for you not to you.
But you don't realize that when you're younger, you feel like the whole world is against you because you can't defend yourself are not strong enough to defend yourself, at least that's how I felt back then. When I look back on it now. It mainly growing mature as a person very young. I already knew what qualities I didn't want in a person when it came to any type of relationship, whether romantic or otherwise.
But I've begun to notice that I would often manifest those qualities that I didn't want because now I realize I was focusing on those qualities I didn't in people, but once I stepped away from the I began manifest qualities that I did want because that's what I began to focus on.
I find it still a bit of a challenge when it comes to my emotions as I haven't had much practice with controlling my emotions or my thoughts, but every day in every way. I'm getting better and better. I still have people push my buttons, but only because I have a lessons learned from those people. That and I also allow them to push my buttons because nothing happens without your permission.
Without you allowing it to happen, but you ask yourself how do you do that because you love and to push your buttons and I know it's not easy when it comes to people like that. I've had my difficulty with them, and I continue to do, but that's only because I haven't learned a lesson there teaching me but I know I will learn them and then I can thank them and they'll be on their way.
Because that's why were here on earth is to deal with our karma and if we don't deal with it now in this present moment that situation will only get harder and harder and harder. I learned a lot about myself and my growth with things that happened for me not to me, and at the time I really feel grateful for those events, but now I do because I can see them for what they are, they were life lessons and they taught me a lot.
So my best advice to you would be be grateful for the past, present and future because they happened for you not to you. I know certain situations are difficult to be grateful for. But everything has a lesson that you need to learn and it didn't happen, we wouldn't be able to grow, evolve and learn.
But you don't realize that when you're younger, you feel like the whole world is against you because you can't defend yourself are not strong enough to defend yourself, at least that's how I felt back then. When I look back on it now. It mainly growing mature as a person very young. I already knew what qualities I didn't want in a person when it came to any type of relationship, whether romantic or otherwise.
But I've begun to notice that I would often manifest those qualities that I didn't want because now I realize I was focusing on those qualities I didn't in people, but once I stepped away from the I began manifest qualities that I did want because that's what I began to focus on.
I find it still a bit of a challenge when it comes to my emotions as I haven't had much practice with controlling my emotions or my thoughts, but every day in every way. I'm getting better and better. I still have people push my buttons, but only because I have a lessons learned from those people. That and I also allow them to push my buttons because nothing happens without your permission.
Without you allowing it to happen, but you ask yourself how do you do that because you love and to push your buttons and I know it's not easy when it comes to people like that. I've had my difficulty with them, and I continue to do, but that's only because I haven't learned a lesson there teaching me but I know I will learn them and then I can thank them and they'll be on their way.
Because that's why were here on earth is to deal with our karma and if we don't deal with it now in this present moment that situation will only get harder and harder and harder. I learned a lot about myself and my growth with things that happened for me not to me, and at the time I really feel grateful for those events, but now I do because I can see them for what they are, they were life lessons and they taught me a lot.
So my best advice to you would be be grateful for the past, present and future because they happened for you not to you. I know certain situations are difficult to be grateful for. But everything has a lesson that you need to learn and it didn't happen, we wouldn't be able to grow, evolve and learn.
Emotions: How to Deal with Them?
I've been keeping this post a lot. And had decided to talk about emotions, or in other words energy in motion because that's what emotion is.
How does one deal with emotions, particularly the lower based emotions or how many people know them as being negative emotions.
We all know that what we think about most is what we create in life. So if you're thinking. I thought over and over and over and you're creating that over and over.
So first you need to check in with yourself. You need to acknowledge how you're feeling, don't dismiss it or resist it because that locks it in.
So you ask yourself, "body, how do I feel right now?" And be honest with yourself, if you feel lousy say that you feel lousy. If you feel tired and upset say that you're tired and upset. But do this all from an observer point of view, because that way your detached from the emotion.
You're also not resisting it because you're not ignoring because what you resist persists. That is a true statement, because it's happened to me many many times. Now, the second step you have to do once you acknowledge the feeling is that the negative emotion you say this, "there it is. That's not me. That's a program."
Observe it deeply-what physical and emotional sensations do you feel? Where do you feel? It's as simple as saying, I feel it here, and it feels like this. Also realize who's doing the inquiry, it could be as simple as saying I am observing these sensations so that way you remain detached from those negative emotions that half the time don't even belong to you.
After going through those two steps you simply say thank you, I love you, I love you, I love you. And what this means is thank you for no longer feeding me the program, thank you for dis-identifying from the falsehood, thank you for catching yourself and no longer losing energy here. I love you. I love you. I love you.
For the positive emotions is a lot simpler, once you identify if the emotion is positive. You simply say thank you for checking in, I love you, I love you, I love you. I can't take credit for this technique because I'm borrowing it from someone else who gave it to me for being a part of the prosper Inc. program.
It's called the three step clearing process and done wonders for me since I started using it. The recommended use for it is 10 times a day. Or whenever you feel the need to use it, but I highly recommend doing it 10 times day.
How does one deal with emotions, particularly the lower based emotions or how many people know them as being negative emotions.
We all know that what we think about most is what we create in life. So if you're thinking. I thought over and over and over and you're creating that over and over.
So first you need to check in with yourself. You need to acknowledge how you're feeling, don't dismiss it or resist it because that locks it in.
So you ask yourself, "body, how do I feel right now?" And be honest with yourself, if you feel lousy say that you feel lousy. If you feel tired and upset say that you're tired and upset. But do this all from an observer point of view, because that way your detached from the emotion.
You're also not resisting it because you're not ignoring because what you resist persists. That is a true statement, because it's happened to me many many times. Now, the second step you have to do once you acknowledge the feeling is that the negative emotion you say this, "there it is. That's not me. That's a program."
Observe it deeply-what physical and emotional sensations do you feel? Where do you feel? It's as simple as saying, I feel it here, and it feels like this. Also realize who's doing the inquiry, it could be as simple as saying I am observing these sensations so that way you remain detached from those negative emotions that half the time don't even belong to you.
After going through those two steps you simply say thank you, I love you, I love you, I love you. And what this means is thank you for no longer feeding me the program, thank you for dis-identifying from the falsehood, thank you for catching yourself and no longer losing energy here. I love you. I love you. I love you.
For the positive emotions is a lot simpler, once you identify if the emotion is positive. You simply say thank you for checking in, I love you, I love you, I love you. I can't take credit for this technique because I'm borrowing it from someone else who gave it to me for being a part of the prosper Inc. program.
It's called the three step clearing process and done wonders for me since I started using it. The recommended use for it is 10 times a day. Or whenever you feel the need to use it, but I highly recommend doing it 10 times day.
Monday, January 27, 2014
About Energy
“You know, every little bit of consciousness, every little bit of energy has its own life-form, has its own unique identity. Every little bit of consciousness has somewhat of an understanding of itself, and it wants to hang onto that self. It doesn’t want to let go. It considers it a death rather than a transformation and an evolution. Every little bit of energy tries to hold on even though like a... young child it that knows that it’s time to evolve, it’s time to change, it’s time to grow into something grander, something bigger, but yet it still tends to hold on.
You know what that little bit of energy wants? It wants the parent energy – the creator energy – to come to it, to assure it that everything is going to be alright. That part of you that is somewhat afraid, not sure what tomorrow is going to bring, not sure what happens when you let go of your job that you really don’t care for anymore, or let go of a relationship that was old karma. All those energies just want the parent self, the creator self, to come in and assure it. Just like a little child, to take it by the hand and say “It’s time. It’s time we move on. It’s time we evolve.” The past will never be forgotten. The past will never be buried. The past can be transformed into the newness, the potential of who you are.
Every little thought that you have has its own identity. Every little fear that you have is actually just a little child. Every piece of stuck energy is really wanting to be unstuck. And you, dear ones, you can guide that part of yourself into your own New Energy. Go in and talk to it – that little fear. Let’s say that you have a fear that there’s something wrong with your body- that it perhaps is developing a bit of a disease. It is just a piece of energy that is stuck. That is all it is. A piece of energy that is holding onto youth- to its concept of youth. You can go in and talk to that little bit of energy. Tell it that it’s time to let go. It doesn’t need to hold onto youth. It can evolve into a new energy. Tell it that there is a radiant, healthy, vibrant energy of biology somewhere in your body that is a Standard to it. That the unhealthy energy can heal itself, right now, without a lot of pushing, without a lot of mental discipline, without having to focus even. Just allowing.”
~ Kuthumi via Geoffrey Hoppe
Artist unknown but appreciated.
You know what that little bit of energy wants? It wants the parent energy – the creator energy – to come to it, to assure it that everything is going to be alright. That part of you that is somewhat afraid, not sure what tomorrow is going to bring, not sure what happens when you let go of your job that you really don’t care for anymore, or let go of a relationship that was old karma. All those energies just want the parent self, the creator self, to come in and assure it. Just like a little child, to take it by the hand and say “It’s time. It’s time we move on. It’s time we evolve.” The past will never be forgotten. The past will never be buried. The past can be transformed into the newness, the potential of who you are.
Every little thought that you have has its own identity. Every little fear that you have is actually just a little child. Every piece of stuck energy is really wanting to be unstuck. And you, dear ones, you can guide that part of yourself into your own New Energy. Go in and talk to it – that little fear. Let’s say that you have a fear that there’s something wrong with your body- that it perhaps is developing a bit of a disease. It is just a piece of energy that is stuck. That is all it is. A piece of energy that is holding onto youth- to its concept of youth. You can go in and talk to that little bit of energy. Tell it that it’s time to let go. It doesn’t need to hold onto youth. It can evolve into a new energy. Tell it that there is a radiant, healthy, vibrant energy of biology somewhere in your body that is a Standard to it. That the unhealthy energy can heal itself, right now, without a lot of pushing, without a lot of mental discipline, without having to focus even. Just allowing.”
~ Kuthumi via Geoffrey Hoppe
Artist unknown but appreciated.
Open to the Universe
Your human life – the taking on of physical form, your interaction with the world, all that is accomplished and experienced – can be seen as an opportunity, a choice you have made, to bring the infinite love of the Source of All to the specific point in time and space that is your body, your life.
You are bringing the unlimited through the doorway of your being into a world that has thought itself limited. You are introducing freedom to the world of... form. Your consciousness is free to roam the Universe, and when you remember this freedom and grant it to yourself, you access the infinite love of the Source.
Your expanded consciousness is like an ocean through which Divine Love expresses itself as currents of light. You, the human focus you have chosen to be, are like a sailor on the ocean. As your skill increases you can ride these currents, picking up new currents as you move through your day, carried forward, lifted by Divine Love in each moment.
~ Sananda via Christoper Sell
Art ~ Monica Fadul
You are bringing the unlimited through the doorway of your being into a world that has thought itself limited. You are introducing freedom to the world of... form. Your consciousness is free to roam the Universe, and when you remember this freedom and grant it to yourself, you access the infinite love of the Source.
Your expanded consciousness is like an ocean through which Divine Love expresses itself as currents of light. You, the human focus you have chosen to be, are like a sailor on the ocean. As your skill increases you can ride these currents, picking up new currents as you move through your day, carried forward, lifted by Divine Love in each moment.
~ Sananda via Christoper Sell
Art ~ Monica Fadul
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Still Recovering
Like I said in the previous post, I've been having fever off and on which makes me think I must have gotten a infection of some kind while I was out and about those couple days that third week in January. I've drinking a lot of Vitamin C , drinking plenty of water and just rest up as much as I can.
I am looking forward to the days, where I won't have take any pills or meditation of any sort because I will be 100% health everyday all day. I've been really thinking about going to a Quantum Healing Hypnosis, I found one really close to home.
I will reserve my opinion until I go have the experience and I will tell you all about than.
I am looking forward to the days, where I won't have take any pills or meditation of any sort because I will be 100% health everyday all day. I've been really thinking about going to a Quantum Healing Hypnosis, I found one really close to home.
I will reserve my opinion until I go have the experience and I will tell you all about than.
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil
Good afternoon! I was having a bit of trouble today thinking about what I'm going to talk about but I decided to talk about something that is been on my mind lately.
I have begun to notice that I've become to the three monkeys, the monkey that has his ears covered and the monkey the has his eyes covered.
I have begun to wonder why this is happening, the more I want to be noticed and heard the more I fade into the background. Now remember, it's not done to you. It's done for you.
So I reverse the roles instead of thinking people are not hear what I'm saying and not seeing what I'm saying. I start to think what am I not seeing about what I'm saying or what I'm not hearing about one thing.
I've come to the realization that most of my life I have faded into the background because for majority of my life. I was made fun of often by others. That's when I came to the realization that it's better to be not seen and not heard so I would not be made fun of.
So it makes sense that when I'm asking for help I get none in return. Because of that belief that it's better to fade into the background so I wouldn't have to be made fun of for who I or who I continue to be. Now that it's out in the open, I can begin to heal that belief.
I have begun to notice that I've become to the three monkeys, the monkey that has his ears covered and the monkey the has his eyes covered.
I have begun to wonder why this is happening, the more I want to be noticed and heard the more I fade into the background. Now remember, it's not done to you. It's done for you.
So I reverse the roles instead of thinking people are not hear what I'm saying and not seeing what I'm saying. I start to think what am I not seeing about what I'm saying or what I'm not hearing about one thing.
I've come to the realization that most of my life I have faded into the background because for majority of my life. I was made fun of often by others. That's when I came to the realization that it's better to be not seen and not heard so I would not be made fun of.
So it makes sense that when I'm asking for help I get none in return. Because of that belief that it's better to fade into the background so I wouldn't have to be made fun of for who I or who I continue to be. Now that it's out in the open, I can begin to heal that belief.
Friday, January 24, 2014
Recovering Stages
I am doing very well since my bout of dis-ease this past week, I've gotten right back onto the grind stone working on my upcoming writing projects one being my personal directory. I learned a couple of things while I was sick, lying up in bed I am a lot stronger than I look. Not only that I became curiosity about what brings one a fever in the first place. I found this article: Why I Don’t Reduce A Fever- And What I do Instead
I read this article thoroughly and it made a whole lot of since so never the end of the my couple of days from dis-ease I decided to let the fever run and just have a cool wash cloth on my head until the end. I intend to follow through the To Do List on article for future reference.
I read this article thoroughly and it made a whole lot of since so never the end of the my couple of days from dis-ease I decided to let the fever run and just have a cool wash cloth on my head until the end. I intend to follow through the To Do List on article for future reference.
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
More About the Law of Allowing
![]() |
Wisdom Of The Hidden Realms Oracle Cards
by Colette
When I was out and about today, I've had some experience with the law of allowing since basically my understanding of that law is to allow everything in resisting nothing.
No matter what my perception of the situation may be, ‘good or bad.’ The fact of the matter is that it’s happening for me not to me.
The more experience I have that the law allowing the more it becomes second nature to me and I prefer to go with the flow, then resisted because there’s a lot of peace there, and a lot of calm and joy there.
With resistance, there’s always this push and pull. I would always get drained often with resistance and now it’s like I don’t know what resistance was. I’m unplugging from that habit every day in every way. The more I experience it, the more experience allowing or the state of allowing everything in resisting nothing. The more I want to experience it every day all day.
Monday, January 13, 2014
Taking A Moment
Good evening all! I'm taking a few moments now to let you know I am alive and well but a little wary at the same time. I've been really busy at work and the comings and goings are what's wearing me down. I still find it a challenge to get up in the morning as I'm so comfortable mornings, but it's only temporary as things will start to slow down soon. I am committed to posting daily as long as I don't have to get up early the next morning.
I'm going to talk a little bit about the Law of Allow, the more I think about that law of allowing the more it makes sense to me. I decided to put that law into effect. Once I started working more often. I'm noticing that I am not really getting irritated frustrated as much anymore because I am in the state of allowing everything in resisting nothing. The more proof. I see of the law allowing the more I'm in a state of allowing everything in resisting nothing.
I'm going to talk a little bit about the Law of Allow, the more I think about that law of allowing the more it makes sense to me. I decided to put that law into effect. Once I started working more often. I'm noticing that I am not really getting irritated frustrated as much anymore because I am in the state of allowing everything in resisting nothing. The more proof. I see of the law allowing the more I'm in a state of allowing everything in resisting nothing.
Monday, January 06, 2014
I am working on putting together my first wordpress blog, uploading my xanga blog. It's interesting to see how different it wordpress is to any other blog I have. But it's worth learning new things and gaining new skills so I am looking forward to see what I will come up for this blog.
Sunday, January 05, 2014
Saturday, January 04, 2014
What does it mean to give thanks? What does it mean to be thankful?
I have learned a great many things about being thankful
since I started on this path. No matter what you are doing or where you go for
information about becoming more aware you will find that first thing you need
to do is to be thankful before all else.
It’s one of the things that you must FEEL when you intend to
manifest your goals and dreams. Another emotion that you must FEEL is LOVE. But
first let me talk about being thankful, no matter how you see a situation,
whether good or bad. You must be thankful for it because that situation good or
bad are teaching lessons that you’ll need later on in life.
So be grateful for the past, present and future. And when
you’re being grateful for the future be grateful for it now in the present to
their manifest in the presence. Being grateful for future now, it’s because you’re
FEELING it now in the present moment. And being in the present moment helps you
focus on the here and now, when you focus on the here and now, it will manifest
in the present as if you have it now.
Remember that the UNIVERSE understands only vibration that’s
what you must use it as if you have it now. That’s why when you tell the UNIVERSE
what you intend to manifest. You must feel those words to help manifest and
also be grateful for it now.
Love is also a part of it because when you’re feeling it now.
You must feel how it would feel when you have that which you are intending to
manifest. And loves is the greatest vibration that the universe response to.
So when you are thinking about the goals and dreams that you
are intending to manifest always remember to feel thankful for it now and send
out loving energy to the universe.
Check out Map of Consciousness post for more information
about the emotions and their vibrations.
Friday, January 03, 2014
Epiphany / Satori Moments
Epiphany is an ‘Ah ha’ moment when you finally understand
what’s going on around you and what you can try to comprehend is beginning your
journey of conscious awareness.
I've had many of these moments when I decided to sit down and write them out. Ever since doing so, ever since committing to doing so I've begun to notice epiphanies, more and more every day all day.
I've had many of these moments when I decided to sit down and write them out. Ever since doing so, ever since committing to doing so I've begun to notice epiphanies, more and more every day all day.
Along with synergistic experiences and symbols of abundance
when you’re open to it, and you begin to notice them is when you will have more
Although I don’t know where I’m going, I know where I've been and I don’t intend on going back there. So I have is to keep moving.
Although I don’t know where I’m going, I know where I've been and I don’t intend on going back there. So I have is to keep moving.
So for example I had an epiphany moment when I realized that
everything I was doing up to this point I wasn't FEELING any of it. I was just
going through the motion but not really feeling it with my heart and soul.
That’s when I decided to do things differently, so when I write
in my journal I make sure that I am in the FEELING moment before I even thing
about putting my pen to paper once I am in that moment of FEELING I begin to
Thursday, January 02, 2014
Taking Action!
Good morning! By the time you read this, I’ll be off having
another adventure you can. Now this talk about taking action or what they call
inspired action as it inspired by the divine intelligence.
What is it to take action? Well this is how I’ve come to
understand it, when you set a goal you want to manifest. You must take some
sort of action to manifest it or else it won’t happen because nothing is done
sitting down and doing nothing.
When I say doing nothing it means that when inspiration
comes you don’t take action you second-guess yourself. Now what is it going to
feel like when you take this action, I have noticed that when you go with the
flow and you are in the moment completely focused on that inspiration it’s
The action is like silk on your skin.
That’s the best way to describe it. It’s so smooth. It’s so
easy and there’s no second-guessing you simply do it. Another thing I noticed is
that when you’re in the moment taking this action. You are like an observer
looking from the outside in. You see yourself doing things, but somehow you’re
a different state of consciousness at the time.
It is similar to when you are dreaming.
Now let’s say you are sitting around doing nothing, don’t
judge yourself because that’s exactly what you’re supposed to be doing unless
you have that inspiration that moves you. That gets you going. That’s when you
take action; otherwise just consider this your rest and recuperation stage.
So just enjoy yourself during those stages of rest and
recuperation because you just might find yourself a bit busy later on.
Wednesday, January 01, 2014
2014 New Moon Abundance Checks
New Moon Abundance Checks
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
New Moon in Capricorn (10° 57' 27")
3:14 am PST - 4:14 am MST - 5:14 am CST - 6:14 am EST - 11.14 am GMT
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
New Moon in Capricorn (10° 57' 27")
3:14 am PST - 4:14 am MST - 5:14 am CST - 6:14 am EST - 11.14 am GMT
New Moon Abundance Checks are a simple way to increase your chances for an abundant life. Writing Abundance Checks is the practice of intention or manifesting positive events in your life. The act of writing the check is an indication to the universe that you are prepared to receive gifts from a variety of sources. Some people use plain paper and create their own checks. Others use checks from their own checking account. Be willing to consider non-monetary rewards as gifts from the universe, and you will begin to see where abundance abounds in your life.
Within 24 hours before or after the New Moon, prepare a check. If you forget, write it the next day or when the moon is growing still, backdate it in your mind, mentally to the new moon! Remember the new moon is the time to manifest!
ི On the pay to lines, write your own name.
ི Leave the date line blank.
ི For the dollar amount(s), write Paid in Full.
ི On the signature line, write The Law of Abundance.
ི Option: On the back make a list of things you’d like to manifest.
ི Put the check in a safe place and forget about it until the next new moon.
Manifest abundance today in all areas of your life, by reminding yourself you are worth it. ~ JustChanneling
ི Leave the date line blank.
ི For the dollar amount(s), write Paid in Full.
ི On the signature line, write The Law of Abundance.
ི Option: On the back make a list of things you’d like to manifest.
ི Put the check in a safe place and forget about it until the next new moon.
Manifest abundance today in all areas of your life, by reminding yourself you are worth it. ~ JustChanneling
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