Friday, February 28, 2014

Session 3 Week 4 Day 22

An amazing breakthrough, I am started to notice when I get hooked by other people although it was a painful experience at first but now I can see it for what it is.

I can now take steps to disconnect from people who hook me. I am learning something new everything about me and my awareness or more like what I am opening myself up to see.

I am going to set the intention of doing this technique now just twice a day but every day all day whenever I get a change of them, I am going to do them.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Session 3 Week 3 Day 21

Start my day unusually early today, the asthma effected me enough this morning to use the treatment.

I went to bed a lot early last night, I was so exhausted that I fell asleep right in the middle of my exercises only I didn't know that I did until I woke up this morning.

Got an early start and I am making the most of it. Did a little yoga, I haven't done my exercise yet but I am going to do them shortly after I am done writing this post.

I have discovered to this new founded commitment to this new changing. I am not going to lie and said that it doesn't frighten me at times because I don't know what I am going to become after this but I reminded how do I know if I don't become that I am frightened about. So that where my determination and curiosity that comes in. I am curious to see where all this will lead me and I am looking forward to all the learning curves I am to encounter on this path.

Note to Reader: I am still reading both the Conversation for Nostradamus Vol 2 and the Between Life and Death. I am nearly finished with them and will have their review written soon. :)

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Session 3 Week 3 Day 20

Today is the start of a new job. I am still in the surreal stage when I think about that I am actually starting a new job today.

Since my session yesterday, I've started to experience certain things, like I could hear discord but I wasn't apart of it.

I listen but I am slowly but surely not getting involved with all the discord that surrounds me everything because a friend help me realize that has nothing to do with me.

The discord is among those that need to work out with themselves and the people that they are having the issue with. I can listen to what they need to say, I can put in my two cents but I want get involved either emotionally or mentally anymore because it doesn't do me any good and won't do them any good if I continue to get in the middle of it.

I am stopping their spiritual growth that way. And it doesn't benefit my health it anyway either. So with love, I am slowly but surely going to become an observe, I'll listen if they need someone to speak to but I am not going to get in the middle of it anymore.

I didn't see that I was doing this until a friend was kind enough to point out to me, shield light on the situation so I could see it clearly. The exercise that been a big help but now I am focusing in and intend to keep all my systems crystal clear. I have experience crystal clear systems before and for the first time I feel no weight on my shoulders, I feel as I could walk on air.

Everything around is that much clear and I am unaffected by what's going on around me. I don't get that involved with what's going on around me that doesn't benefit me. I find myself follow my bliss and doing what I want to do which it turns help the flow of creative come that much quickly and things start to happen for me.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Session 3 Week 3 Day 19

Another amazing session! It always surprises how much I learn about myself in these sessions and it shows me where my weakness so that I can turn them in strengths.

I've got a lot to learn about stepping into my personal power and stop hooking myself into situation that don't really consider me.

I've got a lot to learn about stepping back and letting others handle the karma they have been dealt this lifetime.

How else are they going to grow, evolve and learn if I keep stepping in all the time? I wonder what it would be like when I step more into my personal power and learn more about being me the real me that I keep hide from the world.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Session 2/3 Week 3 Day 18

Have a very eventful morning today, as I went out to a bookstore not really expecting much. I filled out an application was interviewed by the owner and I start work this Wednesday.

It's still surreal that it turned out that way it did but not only that, the bus I was on went the wrong way and I ended up walking only to blocks to the house.

Talk about one surprise after the other, I did go through my exercise today before heading out. I made sure everything was running smoothly.

I got everything that I intend done before heading out to take the bus this morning. Everything felt like I was have a lucid dream, it's unimaginable that things turned out the way that they did but I am grateful that they did turn out that way.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Session 2/3 Week 3 Day 17

Wonderful weather we have been having so I decided to walk to work today only I didn't count on the asthma getting triggered but I rest a bit before heading inside.

Day went rather quickly, the weather also called out everyone else to enjoy it as well. I went through the day as if I was dreaming until I came home. It's like waking up from a long nap.

The techniques that I have been given since my last couple of sessions. I still have some 'setback' but I will continue to more forward and see where this will take me.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Session 2/3 Week 3 Day 16

I perceive a lot of highs and lows for the people around me. A lot of energy vibrating at a low rate but I am able to maintain my field clean, pulled and the netting around me at all time.

The emotions I perceived I noticed right away that did belong to me. I send out love only for it bounce back and the person drop the vibration even lower, rejecting the love and light.

I have no experience with this type of things as I had never experience before but I am open to learning more about it.

I did noticed a couple things there was a physical flinching away as well as an energetic flinching away. I see a swirling of emotion going downwards toward the Earth but it appeared black in color. That's the best I can go description wise as the color I saw doesn't have word out there that can explain it better.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Session 2/3 Week 3 Day 15

I am feeling more and more connected inside of myself than out. I have learned to clean my aura all layer up the my seventh.

My body enjoys so much this technique that I know I am going to prompted in the morning and evenings to do it.

I am feeling more disconnected from what goes on the outside of myself. And I am focusing more on the inside.

If you have experience the inner peace that comes from inside, it'll be very hard to describe what it going on around you while you are in that state of calm.

You have this inner knowing that everything will turn out alright. You aren't walking on egg shells. You don't feel the need to fight for what you believe in. You don't feel the need to fight for anything. You see things in a different light in this state. What else is possible I wonder?

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Session 2/3 Week 2 Day 14

I received an unexpected but welcome phone today from my energy coach. I was given the second half to the technique I have been practicing faithful for the past couple of weeks.

I did find the information overwhelming as I was getting it all at once but once I start doing it and putting it into practice I'll get the hang of it soon.

Today, I experienced certain things with my family members a certain disconnection with them because they are feeling the disconnection.

They are trying every way to re-connect with me but I am decided that I am not going to let that happen. It time they start to grow, evolve and learn without me being their surrogate. That's the only way they will learn things on the own and I love them enough to get out of the way.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Session 2 Week 2 Day 13

Good morning! I had a little bit of a challenging time getting up this morning but once I drank my green smoothie I was set for the day.

The nights have been restful and relaxing I've been getting deep sleep and dreaming often throughout the nights which I take as a good sign that I'm sleeping.

I've been doing my exercises often every day all day whenever I get a chance I do them in the been a big help.

Since removing to my room, I have been in deep contemplation about a lot of things and where want to go with my life. I'm often wondering where this is going to go and where this is going to take me.

But then I bring myself back to the present moment to continue with what I'm doing here and now, to return my focus to the here and now.

I've discovered a great profound peace and calm with this program that I have experience with any other program that I used and my body seems to enjoy it too.

The asthma has gotten much better since removing myself from my parents bedroom where my cats also sleep but I do get triggered every once in a while. But is not as often as it used which am really grateful about and the room time spent in my room has been really good for me therapeutic as well as on all other levels.

I am letting myself recovering for the hypersensitive airways that I am experiencing, it may take some time but I know that it the long run it will all be worth it.

Check out this article: Creativity And Subtle Energies

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Session 2 Week 2 Day 12

I am feeling pretty buoyant, and free as I have not cord attach to me and I intend to keep it that way. I find myself often looking for an observer point of view at things and seeing things for what they really are.

At time I do get puzzled at what certain things could mean but I find that with myself doing the exercise and keeping myself open, trusting that the answer will comes and it does.

The technique I've been given are effortless and easy which in turns make everything I do effortless and easy. I am learning all sorts of things about not only myself but about the people I encounter everyday. I feel as if this weight has been lifted off my shoulder forgive the pun but that best way to describe but not so much on a physical level, but more so on energetic level.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Session 2 Week 2 Day 11

Today felt more like I was dreaming the whole time, I was outside looking in type of things. It doesn't feel really at sometime because I found myself experience a sensation that I am not really use to feeling.

And since I've not experience something like this before I have no word to describe I imagine once I've gotten use to the sensation, the words will that will help describe it.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Session 2 Week 2 Day 10

Things are progressing rather smoothly as I started to separate myself from my pets to my room in the attic for much contemplation.

Questions arise like how is my life going to be like after these changes? What's going to happen next? What else am I going to experience? How are those experience are going to change me on all levels?

But I have no fear of what is to come because I know that nothing will hurt me if I don't give it permission to. I have this peace and calm that follows me everywhere I go now since I started this program.

I have been begun to make the changes that will help me along on this path of growth, learning and evolving. Sometime I make stumble and fall but I take a deep breath, get and keep going because it easy to quit but it take a lot of courage to keep going to see what's around the next corner.  

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Session 2 Week 2 Day 9

I took the first couple of steps to alleviate the asthma symptoms that I have been experiencing since moving to our new house. I have begun to perceive a separateness different the detachment.

The best way for me to put into words it that I am a separate identity from the people around me and yet still apart of the whole picture but began able to act independently from everyone around me.

I got a restful, deep night's sleep and I started to have lucid dreams again with little to no effort on my part. I used my medication only four times today and so things are improving a little bit each day.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Session 2 Week 2 Day 8

I had an intense session today as I am still coming to grips with all that I learned. I am bound and determined to heal myself of this asthma that I am planning to take each day as it comes. I am going to take baby steps to achieve this goal while I continue down this path with its unexpected twists and turns.

This moment in my life is a perfect opportunity where either I learn for everything is happening around my life or run from it. But since running is such an easy thing to do and if I go down that path I know I am going to running for the rest of my life.

And I am just going to have to learn this lesson again in another life and I heard it doesn't get any easier so better face it now and learn from it so that I can grow, evolve and learn more about what  I am capable of.

Jesus and The Essenes By Dolores Cannon

Jesus and The Essenes
Dolores Cannon
Copyrighted 1992, 2000
Past Life Regression/ Life of Jesus

Dolores Cannon's purpose in writing this book was to bring new perceptions into the world of what happened back then in the time of Jesus.

I can't say whether her argument was logical and not but she does arise certain questions that you didn't quite think of before reading this book. The information in this book is very rich and it kept me glued to the pages so much so that I stopped reading Conversations with Nostradamus Volume 2 to finish reading this book.

Here's one quote from the book, "Jesus was the perfect example of what each person had within them and what they were capable of attaining. But still they can understand. His perfection frightened and confused them. They feared him because he was different, and their only solution was to kill him. I believe the purpose of the crucifixion was to show by vivid contrast what humanity had become, the depth to which it has fun. I believe God was offering people a choice: stay on your present course and become like these vile in the debased creatures with no consciences, who think only of their worldly, mundane existences; or try to pattern your lives after his beautiful example and you can rise above the chaos of the world and attain perfection."

The three new things I learned within this book are as follows: the first thing would be that knowledge is very important and not knowledge of just the spiritual but of all aspects of your life and it can be dangerous if misused. Second is that a lot of the information back in those times were either hidden from us or destroy completely because of what they contained within its pages. And thirdly that what Jesus could do everyone can do it's only a matter of opening yourself up to it and allowing it in your life.

If you're open-minded and curious about things, I would highly recommend reading this book because it was a real eye-opener for me and it really put the pieces together for me at least. The questions I had as a young girl was unwilling answered by this book because being in a somewhat religious family as we used to go to church every Sunday and I was taught to say my prayers at night. I had questions that the adult just couldn't answer for me but this book did and help me to understand a lot of things that made me curious in the past.

Although things are different now, I find myself that I don't need to go to church because my belief can be found in the church and it isn't because I don't believe in the divine creator because I do. I find that I can speak to him from wherever I am because he created all things and is everything. And this book showed me that all more like confirmed that for me. I hope you take a chance on this book because I know I did and I don't regret.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

How To Import Xanga Post Here

  1. Establish a account.
  2. Import the Xanga backup files onto account. (Be patient this might take a while)
  3. You'll need to export them by month from your account
  4. You're going to want to go to because these will convert your files.
  5. After having done all this, you can then import them into your blogger without a problem.

Session 1 Week 1 Day 7

Today was a bit more sluggish for me as I got ready to help my mom shovel the shovel that had fallen throughout last night.

I had a consistent pressure in my head throughout the day, that let up some when I am outside the in the cold, crisp air.

I am noticing more and more the dizzy spell, the nauseousness I have around certain members of my family when they are vibrating at a certain rate.

I continue despite the discomfort I am experiencing, I am pulling in my auric field and I go through with the swirl technique I was taught last week. Tomorrow is a new day as I have another session with my Energy Catalyst Coach and I learn another new technique to add to the ones I have now.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Session 1 Week 1 Day 6

The sense of detachment continues but sometimes habit takes over and I forget to remain detached from the things that are going on around me.

As I was growing up, I was consistently told that the family comes first that what you dealing with at presently came be put aside so that you can be for the family.

Now I am not saying that I don't love my family because I do but I have learned since starting down on this path that being a surrogate to them doesn't do them any fairs if fact it hinder them in their growth in conscious awareness.

It's that pattern of surrogacy that I find myself reverting to sometimes because that is what feels most comfortable for me. It's what I am most familiar with but every day in every way I am pulling away from those patterns to see more of who I am truly am emerging for my cocoon.

With that being said, I am going to go ahead and jump into my experience with this new program. I had less restlessness yesterday evening while I was enjoying a book before going to sleep. I went through my exercises and nodded off to sleep. The asthma was less pronounced last night but when I woke this morning I had to take the medication for it.

I did my exercise and found myself fall back to sleep for a couple more hours before repeating the exercise again only this time expand my auric field. That's another thing I am not accost to yet pulling in and out my auric field but slowing everyday in every way I am getting more and more use to it.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Session 1 Week 1 Day 5

Last night was a challenge as I spent majority of the night reading until I started to feel myself nodding off. I realized that I hadn't done any of my exercises. So I started by pulling my field almost immediately my body stopped twitting and I started to feel a lot calmer. I throw in the swirling technique and while doing the technique I feel asleep.

I have begun to noticed that things are changing around me although I am still in the cleaning process but my intention to choose to change for the better of not only myself but those around me is accelerating the process where sometimes I've begun to wonder if I am going too fast but it's my body making the decision on what it feel good to it and I am allowing it to do so.

I've had enough of being stuck in one spot for to long, manifesting only enough to squeeze by but often enough time wondering what else am I not seeing? What else do I need to experience before seeing things go the way I imagine to go? What else is possible? What am I missing?

After answering me these questions many times and others like them, I find the answer in my email one day and I intend to follow this journey no matter where it will take me knowing that everything will turn out just fine in the end.

Monday, February 10, 2014

100 Post: Session 1 Week 1 Day 4

Today the exhaustion I was experience when I first started has begun to fade although I do get hit every once in a while with some energetic exhaustion every so often. But with the help of swirling core technique I have been help to alleviate some that and I am doing often throughout the day to help with a lot of other things.

Sometime I find that my body has taken a likening to the technique that it does it automatically but I still like to do it while I am conscious that I am doing just for practice on focusing on the sensation that I am receiving from this technique.

Pulling in the energy field have done wonders for me at night, because I find myself more at peace because of it. I am perceive other thoughts and movement that are consistently going on around me. It been really helpful, only thing is that the asthma persist. I know the basic meaning of it that I am doing things I don't want to in other words I am being smothered by the wants of others.

I haven't been able to discover the answer on how to help this completely from my life but I know I will one day some. I find that the answers are always murky and very cloudy that I couldn't see or even hear them because of the clutter that goes on.

Let's see where this journey takes us!

Sunday, February 09, 2014

For Anime Lovers

More links to come!

Session 1 Week 1 Day 3

Today, I am going intend to put what I am experiencing into words as it's a challenge as this is a first from me. I have experience a lot things on the energetic level but nothing this deep until now.

The best way for me to describe what I am going through now it that my energetic bodies are being model into a higher frequency like clay figurines in the hands of a sculptor.

Occasionally there are times I feel some sort of pressure for the outside around my field other times I feel a stretching sensation.

There is a lot of pull and pushing in my energy field but I am comforted by these sensation because I sense before all of this discomfort there will be a big change that will occur that will change how I view life and how I go about doing things.


This phrase was given to me on Feb 3rd, I used it for the first two days every so often. I had also placed an order for books at the my job at the bookstore. Two out of three book were available for pick on the 5th. The two I bought through Amazon came in the 7th. The one book for the order at the bookstore came in on the 8th. I am going to using this phrase every time I place an order from here on out.

Saturday, February 08, 2014

Session 1 Week 1 Day 2

Today I am feeling a bit out of sorts as my body is still not quite comfortable with the setting changes that's happening in my energy field. The nights have been more restful but they haven't been deep as I continue to have challenges with asthma during the nights sometimes waking me up because of the difficulty breathing and I'll take my medication.

Although my asthma has been challenging lately but I feel with this new weekly sessions I'm going to be having that's going to change. It's something I can't quite describe but I know that I am choosing to do this because this is the next step on my conscious journey awareness and I know things are going to change that I have this inner peace about it and am willing to go with it the flow of change.

Soul Speak The Language of Your Body By Julia Cannon

Soul Speak The Language of Your Body
Julia Cannon
Copyrighted 2013
New Age/Health

The author Julia Cannon purpose in writing this book was to show that the body is delivering messages through every ache, pain, and symptom in its own unique language.

Her argument is very valid as I've been experiencing the symptoms myself and the book is merely a reference to what these messages could be. It doesn't tell you how to relieve but it does give you some modalities that you can use to help heal those pains and help you understand the message better so you can take action.

This author kept me very interested in her books as her chapters are very short, direct, and to the point but rich with information and examples. Some basic questions are found in this book which are: "What are you trying to tell me?" "What do you want me to know?"

This book talks about each system in the body and the meaning of each system what's he trying to tell you, the message trying to convey to you. It doesn't get too in depth with the meaning because she says each person is different but it gives you an idea what the message could be trying to tell you.

This book not only talks about the messages of the body but also the incidences that happened outside the body. It talks about in chapter 20 accidents but in this case the author who is often return referring to "They"prefer to call them incidences instead of accidents. The worst the incidence the more urgent the message.

Here's a quote from the book that I really like, "In a previous chapter, I mentioned how the body loves for you to pay attention to it and talk to it. It is very healthful to send your body messages of love. Acknowledging the body parts for the work they do and telling them you love them. The body responds beautifully to any message like this. You are the voice of God and it will do whatever you ask or say. It is your very willing servant-it is here to serve you in the highest manner possible. It can only do the job it is allowed to do and in the matter and it is given."

I don't have a favorite part in the book because I love the whole book it really was very helpful and informative. My lasting impression of the book is that you have the answers you need to help heal yourself even if it means going through someone who is trained in energy healings to help heal you but in the end you have the answers that will help you. Only if you believe it because the answers aren't outside of yourself.

I did learn something from this book and that was the meaning that each system and body part is trying to convey to me. And the book really draws you in with the cover, that's what really piqued my interest was the cover of the book and I would recommend this book to anyone who is interested in learning the messages of the body. It's a wonderful book to have as reference in your library.

Friday, February 07, 2014

Session 1 Week 1 Day 1

As for today I experienced something a little different I felt very detached from everything and I became more of an observer then someone involved in the situation. I felt a lot more lighter although I did feel energetically exhausted not physically exhausted something I've never experienced in my life before. Although I did get a good nights sleep last night due to new techniques I learned in this program.

I did have interviewed today and when a lot smoother I thought it was going to which really made me happy and I have really good feeling about it. The atmosphere was really light and friendly. I'm looking forward to learning more in this program because I'm noticing that the tools and techniques I've been using since yesterday have begun to work for me.

That's all for now! I will post more about this program and my experiences as I continued to more forward on this path of conscious self awareness.

Note: The two books from Conversation with Nostradamus have finally come in the mail TODAY!!!! I will be posting my thoughts and insights soon.

Start of Session 1 Week 1

I started my first session yesterday for this new program that the a energy facilitator I know of just started. It's brand-new never been done before program. My first session yesterday was off the charts as I was experiencing so many things at once.

During this session, my head started to twitch first. I perceive this sensation in my back similar to that of peppermint, it was a very cool sensation and also I felt that my heart went to live in my back. Going back up to my head, I have felt some sort of force between my right and left hemisphere right down the middle that every time I had with twitch it would bump into it.

I did feel some pressure my chest, I did notice that my wheezing was gone but I did feel discomfort as a twitching went down my body to my legs. But beneath the discomfort I felt a sense of relief at the same time. There was pulsing in flashing lights at that time as well when I had my eyes close there was a lot of restlessness.

I did feel on the right side of my face a pinching sensation as if an elderly relative was pinching my cheeks which woke me because I actually thought somebody was pinching my cheeks. I did notice during the pinching sensation that I felt the pull of a sensation or of energy of some kind being drawn out.

I did feel more awake and more energized during the session then before I started the session and a lot more, and peace. The heaviness that was there was gone but I did have some shaking us afterwards which I was able to release after eating an apple.

Tuesday, February 04, 2014

More on Conversations with Nostradamus Vol 1

The book Conversations with Nostradamus has left quite an impact on me. So much so that I've begun to have odd dreams at times. I have been a bit restless because of what I read in the book and it isn't so much the doom and gloom that has left me impacted. Of course I'm not downplaying what's to come but it really got the wheels turning as his quatrains aren't set in stone.

We through the power of our knowledge of the quatrains and what they mean. We have the power to change them because of his shedding new light on them, it's like becoming self-aware of the pattern or habits that you were unconsciously doing being pointed out by a friend. That friend shed some light on that pattern or habit that you became consciously aware of it so you could change it.

His quatrains were shrouded in darkness as no one could translate them or could even understand to translate them. Often enough times the word translated correctly and they were misinterpreted.

Now with this book, he was able to shed some light on his quatrains so that we could change it and not have to go through all those experiences of doom and gloom. That's what it is to be consciously aware, it's shedding light on things you were unaware and acknowledging them so that way you could release it and begin changing for the better. I'm looking forward to reading the next two volumes and I will post my opinion of them here. So stay tuned!

Switchwords Phrases

  • Ho-Slow-Wolf-Bring-packages-Now-Done. (to help wait patiently for packages come in the mail)
  • Together-Begin-Count-Arise-Somehow-Done-With-Thanks-Divine. (bring into existence money, materialize it, release the details and let it be)
  • Key-Blue Butterfly-Lightning-Go-Act-Create-Guess. (gain acceptance, shed old beliefs, transition smoothly, gain wide perspective)
  • Choose-Passion-Point-Listen-Crystal-Rainbow-Plethora-fountain. (bring more clarity and understanding on purpose of life and work toward inner calling)

I decided to take a little break yesterday and getting around to posting anything but today I'm going to talk a little bit about the switchwords phrase that used yesterday. I've begun to feel the difference in using the although I only use them wants and I chanted them 28 times that day. But today I can see the vast difference of yesterday that I'm out of all the muck and slime of everything that I collect energetically over time.

I'm feeling much more like lighter. Everything feels so much clearer as if whatever was gunky up the funnel has passed through effortlessly and easily and now things can get through easier with little or no resistance at all. It feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders forgive the cliché but that's how it felt yesterday, I felt held down by things energetically of course.

Everything feels so much better, but my thought processes easier less forced. My movement is more fluid and loose very little forced there as well. Don't feels tired as much as I was yesterday things just feel lighter vibrationally.

Sunday, February 02, 2014

Conversations with Nostradamus: His Prophecies Explained Vol. 1 (Revised and Addendum) By Dolores Cannon Cont...

Conversations with Nostradamus, Volume 1
(Revised & Addendum)
Dolores Cannon
Copyrighted 1989, 1992, 1997, 2001
New Age/Prophecy.

Like I had said in the previous post, I couldn't put this book down. Every time I tried I go right back to but while reading this book. I understood what the author went through near the end of chapter 5, when she said, "If Nostradamus and the other psychics were right, then the world would shift. The terrible earth changes would take place and the remnants of mankind would call from the rubble to try to begin building a world all over again. Why? Why try to accomplish anything in life if it could be taken away so easily, and suddenly? But then what was the alternative?"

I went through those same thoughts myself while watching documentaries of the doom and gloom that Nostradamus predicted in his quatrains on the History Channel. But once I realized that life continues I got over it present, including just stop what I was doing. Just because they said the end is coming. No one knows when the end is coming until it happens. Or at least that's what my thoughts were when I chose to continue to live my life the way I wanted to. Despite the doom and gloom of Nostradamus, his quatrains.

When I started to read about the doom and gloom quatrains, I didn't get upset for myself but for the fact that we, human beings, have to go through such mayhem before we desire peace so badly after such disasters and to even get along with one another because of those disasters because enough is enough for us. I can see the why behind it, not don't misunderstand me, this is not to make light of those disasters and what's coming, but I noticed a common pattern with people these days unless something happens, they won't do anything to prevent it until it happens.

And here's another reason why I can understand if these disasters come to pass the reason why people will desire peace above all else. That's because I had read another book called, Hidden Power: How to Unleash the Power of Your Subconscious Mind by James K Van Fleet, in chapter 10 of this book. It talks about how you my used as a conscious mind to rid yourself of undesirable habits and one of the five techniques to be used on all that habits is one that stood out the most to me. And that's the first and it reads, "you must reach the point you can no longer tolerate yourself the way you are or the situation the way it is."

So when I was reading the conversation with Nostradamus and he had remarked on something like this that sometimes people have to go through what they have to go through so that way they can grasp peace and look toward the future with new eyes. It's really a challenge for me to put my thoughts onto the page as I don't have the words to describe what I want to but I am trying my best. So here we go!

The author's purpose in writing this book was to get the information out to the public before the quatrains could come to pass. It hopes to help us prevent what was predicted of those quatrains, although we couldn't prevent many of them from coming to pass, but there are still some that are in the far future that we can prevent. The author's argument is as follows, "Will he succeed in warning us? Is there still time to change our future? I pray that we will. For the things that Nostradamus foresaw for world are too horrible to ignore. And after all, it's the only world we have."

I believe that we be able to prevent these from coming to pass, as were starting to wake up, not only as individuals but as a group to awaken to who they truly are. It's just like a domino effect. Once one domino falls. The rest will fall as well. The author kept me very interested in the book. Like I said before and I don't mind repeating I couldn't put the book down. Even when my eyes tired, I kept on reading so much so that I read it within three days.

My favorite section of the book would have to be when the quatrains turned to look up in a positive light. When things start to settle and we were looking towards a peaceful life. Once the times of trouble are over. These quatrains described many things that will happen to enlighten mankind and help us move toward a spiritual awakening. I guess you can say more so than we are now and will be easier to.

I can't really say I didn't like anything about the book because I loved the whole book. As I was reading it from a neutral standpoint. I didn't really learn anything new from the books, but it did confirm a lot of things that I was suspicious of from what I've heard in the past about certain things. The cover itself was very attracting is probably one of the big reasons why also want to read and because I'm interested in Nostradamus.

I would highly recommend this book to anyone as long as they remain open-minded about what they're reading and their reading it from a neutral standpoint because there will be certain sections of the book that can frighten you. If you're not ready for what you're going to read. It's a book worth putting in your library. Because of the information the rich information that you find in its pages. I would rate this book 5 stars.