Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Session 4 Week 5 Day 33

"Joann, it's not just tongue tied, that experience, its more just that there is no way or word to describe it! It has to be strained through a tiny strainer into our brains and what is coming in is in no way tiny! Enjoy it - you carry a vessel and it's not heavy - it's full of light! That stillness is such a feeling of freedom, is it not!?! Blessings!" ~Pam Richards 

I couldn't have said it better myself, and she is right that the information is so vast that my brain can only take little bits and pieces of that information at a time. 

Today was a learning experience, I learned that it the way I was doing the technique that makes all the difference. I learned how to pull cords out and really clean my energy systems.

I learned a lot more about myself as well. I am going to master this distraction my mind by intending everything I do or by simply stating out loud to myself what I am doing to better focus in on that action. 

I am going to start tonight by doing my first cord removal with a fiery and direct way but also with intention. Tomorrow starts a new day and a new way of doing things. 

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