Friday, March 21, 2014

Session 4 Week 7 Day 43

Another smooth, effortless day. Everything was really quiet although the mind chattered picked up the moment I got to work but that dulled down when there was no one in the store.

I have only been experience physical exhaustion lately. That is a big different to the mental, emotional, physical exhaustion I was experience a couple weeks prior to this. I no longer drag my feet. Oh happy day!

I have discover also that when cords attach themselves to me, I don't experience intense pain with all of them. Some are gentle like a breeze others are like punch to the stomach for lack of a better description.  Lately, since I've changed to way I started to do these technique. I have noticed that with my air current pattern exercise I am started to perceived the motion and the cool breeze of the pattern.

Each experience is different than the last not only that the information I received for all this has been invaluable.

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