Thursday, May 14, 2015

A Writer's Challenge

I know I haven't posted anything in quite sometime as I found myself lost in transition I guess you can say with work picking up because of graduation. Going to the gym with a friend and I also joined a locate writer's group that other friend introduced me too.

I've had quite a lot of things to juggle lately but I noticed more and more that despite all the wonderful advice from my fellow writers I still couldn't find the inspiration I was looking for and the creative flow was stopped a by a dam.

Everyone around was either typing away furiously on their laptops knowing what they need and had all the pieces to the puzzles while here I am grasping at straws barely getting anything at all.

Other then writing in my agenda how the day went or something nothing at all. I was trying to see the small victories at least I was writing something even if it wasn't creative.

So since I couldn't sit down and write anything creative, I decided two things: to watch anime and to get a lot of reading done during this period.

I started reading more about the writing process and what works best for writers when they are writing. Two things jumped out at me: to write all of my ideas down no matter how small and the other is that I didn't have much of writing process, if I did wasn't consciously aware of it.

It also didn't help that I was consistently getting distraction by my family when I was sitting down to try to get something on the blank screen. When frustration was at it's peak, I am done fight everyone and even myself. And I sat done to really mediate on the situation.

I had to work things out for myself. I realized then that I was comparing myself to my other fellow writers and was even jealous of a few of them because they know what they wanted and how they were going to do it.

It's the reason why I keep hitting a wall so every time any frustration, irritation or annoyance and oh yes even jealousy. I had to remember myself everyone is different in the way they work.

And they inspired me to find my writing process and really play attention to what works best for me. Once I lock that way of think it seem that things became much more easier for me to handle. I didn't beat myself up for not being productive. I just took that time to absorb as much information that I could to have some sort of foundation to make my writing easier.

I am doing plenty of reading now which really helps with my writing as it helps to expand my vocabulary as well as helps me to give constructive feedback to my fellow writers at the group session.

I really had to shut out of the outside distraction to be even able to write just my ideas down on paper once that happened I was able to expand on the each time I wrote.

Now I've gotten into the habit of doing that, I've had a breakthrough with my writing. I've written about half a page for the second book for The Beastly Covenant but for the second trilogy those I am still doing research on. I only got about a paragraph worth of beginning though. I am not sure where I am going with this but I wanted it to organic as possible I don't want to force anything.

So yes dear friends all writers go through the same dread blocks that I was going through but I got tell you hiatus aren't bad because you can get burnt out after a big project like I did.

I needed that break but when you are ready to get back in the game and you find that you've got nothing that is the block I am talking about.

The best thing that worked for me when I was in that place was to follow the advice I read in the a book. Write all your story ideas down no matter how big or small it is write it down. Keep the notebook handle where  you go or if you can record things on your phone do it that way. Just so that your in that place where the ideas are flowing and that will help with all the rest. Good luck!

Monday, February 02, 2015

Welcome To...

New Projects In Process (PIP)

I have started working on the second book in a trilogy although it took me a while to get up from the drought that I experienced since my first book was published in Feb 2012.

Better is the book publishes with mistakes than the polished book that just sit on your computer collecting cyber dust. After two edition later my first book is where I want it to be.

But this second book in the series is proving to be a bit of challenge which I don't mind all that much since each project is a opportunity to learn, grow and evolve as a writer.

I have of late join a writer's group which has really helped in opening up endless possibilities for me. It has been a godsend since I need constructive feedback from others how else came you improve if you don't have others looking over your work.

This is a perfect place from me to voice my opinions and I won't be squashed for them. I do have a challenge when it comes to reading my work out-loud due to past experience during my school years. But in this environment I feel that I can do it with out the scoffing off others.

I am still in the gathering information stages of this second book, I don't even have a title of it yet so I am still taking notes here and there.

Lately, I haven't been able to come up with much since I haven't been able to go to the last couple of meetings. The well of creativity dried up on me but I have decided that I am going to make the effort to make it every two weeks to the meetings.

I am going to challenge myself to write this book in one years time and have it ready to be published in Feb 2016 at least that is the plan for right now but it can change if things progress smoothly.

Keep my fingers crossed.

Anchoring a New Consciousness - Matt Kahn/

Monday, December 22, 2014

A Way Out of Pain - Matt Kahn/

 This video help me out big time and it made a lot of sense too along with giving my tools that I can use when I am being bombarded with other energies.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Digging Deep

That's right, what I have avoid this whole time has come back to stare at me in the face so I decided no more running.

What's the worst that could happen? I finished reading the Tapping Into Wealth and went through the chakra tapping as well which I still do when I am moved to do so.

I have started to do a lot more tapping but it isn't just the tapping but also I am determined to make the changes necessary to get where I am going in life.

I am done living this mediocre life. The first things that came up for me was being bullied in my younger years and since tapping on it, the sting has been removed.

It's merely a gray and white picture now all the energy that was behind it has diminished a lot and I only did one round of tapping.

But I have a learned a great deal about myself since starting down on this path. I've done a great deal of shifting and moving through a lot of energy that no longer serves me and my highest good.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope everyone had has a wonderful Thanksgiving. I am dropping in now to report that I have started to write more than a few papers for a story. And how did this all come about? 

Come in closer for it's a secret. I have been reinforcing my desire to change from the outside in and I have been doing so with EFT aka Tapping. 
But what really made this all come about? What were the steps that I took that help me move this far along? 

Well one day I was feeling really despondent and hating everything around me. I knew how it was before when I started down this path after a big revelation at 22 which really opened my eyes that I had to make a change or I was going to end up bitter for the rest of my life. I didn’t want that. 

So I asked myself, what I did than, this can’t be all there is to life. What can be done to change this? A while later as I distracted myself with videos on Youtube, one of Bob Proctors videos popped up and it reminded that no matter what I do if I don’t change my paradigm I can’t change my outer reality. 

Ever since that day, I have made a commit to myself no matter how I do I am going to change my paradigm. Since that moment, I have been having videos and books mostly popping up for to either tap along with or read to expand my awareness more to better understand what paradigms are. And what I can do to change them. 

But I know that it’s the desire to make those changes that are helping to make all this shifts that has happened only in a matter of months and if also helps to go with the flow. I meditate when I am moved to. I tap with I am moved to. 

Do things only when you are moved to do them. I have learned this great lesson while I am going through all this shifts and I know more will comes as I have started to work on my money paradigm which has really opened my eyes to surprises that have keep me from earning more money. 

Now those blocks feel more like a dream and I am really surprise that I believe such nonsense at one point but you’ll surprise yourself with what you pick up around and you don’t really realize it up you start to do work like this. But you got to commit no matter what and follow through or it won’t work. 

I am not going to say I am not scared of what could happen to me after all this has been released but I have this phrase in a movie and I swear by it, how do you know what you’ll become if you don’t become it. 

The unknown can be frighten I’ve got to admit that it has scared me off on more than one occasion but I am slowly realizing that the more  you expose the unknown the less frightening it can be to you. 

Fear is merely an alarm system that lets you know that you are pushing through you comfort zone and I couldn’t have said it better than Neale Donald Walsch has when he said, “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.”

You never know what you can do unless you start to push your limits because if you don't I have learned you are only hurting yourself by remain small. Life is big why can't you be too?