Friday, November 28, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope everyone had has a wonderful Thanksgiving. I am dropping in now to report that I have started to write more than a few papers for a story. And how did this all come about? 

Come in closer for it's a secret. I have been reinforcing my desire to change from the outside in and I have been doing so with EFT aka Tapping. 
But what really made this all come about? What were the steps that I took that help me move this far along? 

Well one day I was feeling really despondent and hating everything around me. I knew how it was before when I started down this path after a big revelation at 22 which really opened my eyes that I had to make a change or I was going to end up bitter for the rest of my life. I didn’t want that. 

So I asked myself, what I did than, this can’t be all there is to life. What can be done to change this? A while later as I distracted myself with videos on Youtube, one of Bob Proctors videos popped up and it reminded that no matter what I do if I don’t change my paradigm I can’t change my outer reality. 

Ever since that day, I have made a commit to myself no matter how I do I am going to change my paradigm. Since that moment, I have been having videos and books mostly popping up for to either tap along with or read to expand my awareness more to better understand what paradigms are. And what I can do to change them. 

But I know that it’s the desire to make those changes that are helping to make all this shifts that has happened only in a matter of months and if also helps to go with the flow. I meditate when I am moved to. I tap with I am moved to. 

Do things only when you are moved to do them. I have learned this great lesson while I am going through all this shifts and I know more will comes as I have started to work on my money paradigm which has really opened my eyes to surprises that have keep me from earning more money. 

Now those blocks feel more like a dream and I am really surprise that I believe such nonsense at one point but you’ll surprise yourself with what you pick up around and you don’t really realize it up you start to do work like this. But you got to commit no matter what and follow through or it won’t work. 

I am not going to say I am not scared of what could happen to me after all this has been released but I have this phrase in a movie and I swear by it, how do you know what you’ll become if you don’t become it. 

The unknown can be frighten I’ve got to admit that it has scared me off on more than one occasion but I am slowly realizing that the more  you expose the unknown the less frightening it can be to you. 

Fear is merely an alarm system that lets you know that you are pushing through you comfort zone and I couldn’t have said it better than Neale Donald Walsch has when he said, “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.”

You never know what you can do unless you start to push your limits because if you don't I have learned you are only hurting yourself by remain small. Life is big why can't you be too? 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Lost in Transition

Like the title reads, I have been lost in transition as I have experience my ups and downs some extreme ups and some extreme lows. I keep questioning, what could I bee missing?

Although I am better than I was before but I am still not where I want to be. It become an obsession.

What could I be doing differently about what I could be doing differently that will help manifest the life I want to create that something that is created for me.

I want to making the chooses to manifest that life I want not having someone hiding behind the curtain creating that life from me.

I know I will be creating that life with help but I want to be conscious enough to take action to create that life. In other words, I want to be actively creating that life I want to create.

So I decided to go back to basic, I have this notebook where I started to write down questions that come up although it isn't often because many of times when I have questions I am working and my notebook is tucked away in my purse.

Sometimes it get really busy when I am working so the questions I have drift away. When I do get the chance to sit down and write I can file at least one page back to back now mind you it a small notebook but it suits my needs perfectly.

I picked up tools from the past and joined them with the new tools that I have now. Not only that but everything I want to experience has a dollar sign attached to it so I decided to ask, what would it take to change that?

What would it take for me to find tools and techniques that have no dollar signs attached that will help make these changes?

So right at the moment I am going over two books I bought a long time ago, and I have changed my morning routine to just two hours of meditation about and I started to writing in my journal that I have title Change My Paradigms. I am watching Bob Proctor's videos and just following my intuition where it would lead.

I know it's been awhile but like I said before I was lost in the void for a bit. I am going to focus on changing those paradigms to move forward from the inside out and always watching where I am going in the process. I will let you know what happens.