Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Shifts and Transformations

Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! I am back for a long absence and I am looking forward to let my readers know what has been going on. Since the last time I posted, I register for the Unlock Your Abundance Matrix program. 

I've dream so long since I've first heard about this program but now it almost seem surreal that I am finally in this program taking advantage of every single moment of this. 

I am in day eleven of Unlock Your Abundance Matrix and I am having a really good time with it. I am learning to simple notice what comes up for me and going through the process to help harmonize to release then to transform into something that is beneficial and serves my highest good. Every time I run the holographic tools, I feel that I continue to get lighter and lighter energetically. 

From the moment I started with this program, I began to notice that may thing that I've done were to keep me in the old patterns and beliefs of being but I put my foot down and decided that enough was enough. I have been working two jobs since the last time I posted anything here. 

I began to perceptive things at one of the work places, every time I would get there I would get drained. It became lifeless. I enjoyed the people I worked with but the management wasn't what I expected it to be. 

The atmosphere became toxic and fast, everything went into a downward spiral. To make this simpler I wasn't happy there anymore and it was time for a shift so I decided to continue my education and move forward to create a better life for myself and those around me. 

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