Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2014 To Do List From Facebook Posts

New Year's Day is also the New moon around 6am EST. Powerful energy to create. Start anew. Fresh year and a blank canvas. 5 juicy Law of attraction tips that I love are:

1. Create with WOW
Make a vision board for what you want to create this year. Take a poster board, cut out pictures and words from magazines that represent what you want your life to look like in 2014, and glue them however you like. Or print pictures of the Internet like Pinterest and put them in a f...older or special box.

2. Act as if
Write as if it is December 31, 2014 and you are reflecting back on the past year. This is acting as if, to manifest what you want to happen. If you study the law of attraction, you know how powerful the feeling of already having what you want is.

3. The Year of ______.
Pick one word that you want to set the tone for this year. Declare it now and write it on post-it's where you will be reminded. This is living on purpose. (Mine is delicious.)

4. To-do-fun list
Set intentions. This is a different energy than resolutions. This focus on feeling good. They can be goals or wishes but should feel light, not heavy like a chore, out of guilt, obligation, needing to "fix" yourself. Perfect to gain clarity of what you want and if you like to make lists.

5. Gratitude attitude
Get the gratitude going starting tomorrow. Start a fresh journal where you have to write one thing each day that you are grateful for. Or you can take an empty jar, which you can decorate like Kim Schwartz and I did that we called "Joyful Chicks jars," and write on a piece of paper something that brings you joy. Being in a state of appreciation is an open channel for receiving. It's like telling the Universe, "Thank you. More of that good stuff please!"

Smooches & sass,
Jenny G. Perry and check out her fan page: Peace Love Joy Sparkles

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