Thursday, April 03, 2014

Session 5 Week 8 Day 56

Today was a rather odd day, I didn't get anything I wanted to done. I felt like I was being pulled every which way and I felt really disconnected from everything and everyone.

I didn't even get around to doing the clearing techniques which whether coincidence or not something happened at work. I was called into the office at my job to discuss a transaction that couldn't be found and that it appeared that I had checked myself out.

I was able to clear up the misunderstanding but the vibe at just felt off and I could feel as I was being accused of something although the proof was all there.

Thanks to the help of some energy circles that I placed beneath the inflatable bed. I was able to let go of the situation rather easily and nod off to sleep quickly.
Here are the energy circles I've use at night!

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